Our work

We are engaged in…

Promoting voter education and engagement

  • Conducting voter registration drives

  • Participating in postcard and letter campaigns to get out the vote

  • Canvassing and phone banking for a greater voter turnout

  • Organizing street demonstrations to remind voters to vote

Fighting discrimination

  • Educating through the Charles Knapper Project of open and honest discussions to explore deep-seated and long-held beliefs

  • Holding Black Lives Matters demonstrations

  • Supporting other local initiatives that address discrimination

Influencing legislative action

  • Contacting our representatives

  • Attending key governmental meetings

  • Fighting for legislation (local, state and federal) to protect our freedoms

Supporting election integrity

  • Promoting involvement as election workers or observers

  • Writing letters to the editor to support free, safe, and secure access to voting

  • Bird-dogging our Boards of Elections

Supporting our organization

  • Overseeing finances

  • Providing technical support

  • Managing social media accounts

  • Volunteering to lead an initiative

Take a look at our current committees.