LETTERS: CD10 newspapers We encourage members to write letters that appear in papers throughout District 10. Go to our LTE (letter to the editor) google doc to access a current list of papers and information on submitting letters. Also join our Facebook LTE group IGD10 LTE Group to submit and copy letters.

Postcards & letters to voters We sponsor postcard and letter writing campaigns to voters in District 10 and elsewhere to let them know about election rules and dates. The e-newsletter has information about current postcard and letter-writing campaigns.

PHONE CALLS: Elected officials Our elected representatives should be working for us. Call them to let them know your position on important issues. You can find your representatives’ contact information here: https://lwv.org/take-action/find-your-elected-officials. We suggest you enter their information in your phone contact list for quick retrieval.

Voters We also participate in phone campaigns, calling voters to make sure they have the information they need.

The e-newsletter contains information about current phone calling campaigns.

NOT ON THE E-NEWSLETTER LIST? Don’t miss out! Sign up here!

Write Letters & Make Calls


Increase Voter Registration & Turnout